The Screens & Gaming Disorder Clinic

The Screen & Gaming Disorder Clinic is one of the leading centres in Australia treating children and young people struggling to manage their online life, including gaming addiction, internet addiction, social media addiction, and screen addiction.

The Clinical Director

The Screen & Gaming Disorder Clinic’s Clinical Director and Psychologist, Brad Marshall, shares his time between helping families in the clinic and his research/academic life at Macquarie University (Sydney) as a PhD Candidate. Brad is a regularly invited as a guest speaker at local and international parent and teenager seminars on the topic of Internet Gaming Disorder and Screen Addiction.

Brad also speaks to parents, students, and staff at schools and corporate events worldwide on the topic of healthy screen, gaming and internet use.

He is also the author of “The Tech Diet for your Child and Teen” a parenting book published by HarperCollins, which has now been published in over a dozen countries around the world, and in multiple languages. 

Should I be concerned?

Signs of Gaming Disorder or Internet Gaming Disorder:

  • neglecting school, university or work.

  • loss or withdrawal of social interaction in favour of online platforms

  • neglecting regular sleep or eating patterns to stay online

  • being dishonest with others about online use

  • feeling anxious, angry, depressed or angry as a result of online behaviour

  • withdrawal from other activities like sport

  • feeling irritable, moody or anger outbursts when asked to come offline

  • internet use causing arguments within families


What are my options to get help?

Australian research has found up to 10% of Australian children and teenagers have some “sub-clinical” symptoms of Gaming Disorder and Internet Gaming Disorder that would put them in an “at risk”
category. If you feel your child is in this category, but the matter is not yet urgent, you may like to take a look at:

  1. In clinic appointments. For those wanting treatment in a traditional setting, Brad offers appointments at his clinic in Greenwich, Sydney
  2. Online Sessions: For those who are not able to travel into the clinic Brad offers sessions via Zoom. Complete the clinic referral below and simply ask our admin staff to make this an online
    appointment. You will be sent a video link via email on the morning of your appointment.
  3. Parent Coaching: If you are a concerned parent and don’t think your child will attend and appointment, or would prefer to make changes in your parenting approach as a first step, feel free to
    complete the referral form below for an in clinic or online appointment for Parent Coaching.
  4. Books: The Tech Diet for your Child and Teen, or How to Say No to Your Phone, both written by Brad, are available on or on
  5. Brad’s Parent Tutorial Video Series, a two parent online video course for parents. Part One covers some of the research into gaming, social media, and gambling, as well as address the burning
    question of “When Should Parents be Concerned”, and Part Two contains the real world strategies you can use and implement in your home. You can purchase access to these here – Brad Marshall’s book “The Tech Diet for your Child and Teen” found at all major in store book retailers or at
  6. The parent tutorial video series, developed and presented by Brad Marshall for parents seeking strategies to better manage their children’s tech and screen use. This can be purchased at

Aussie research has also found that 1-3% of Australian children and teenagers have a diagnosable Gaming Disorder. If your child is in the more severe end, or if you are unsure and would like an expert opinion, you can make a referral to The Screen & Gaming Disorder Clinic for assessment by a professional, by completing the form at the bottom of this page.
After your assessment you will be offered treatment options (if needed) which could include a range of child counselling/therapy, parent support sessions, or parent and child relationship sessions delivered by our experienced team.

What if I live outside of Sydney, or internationally?

For many years we have welcomed referrals from all over the world! We offer video consultation to those who can’t travel. It may sound a bit odd offering a child with gaming/screen issues a video consultation, but ironically in this post-COVID 19 world children often do better with this than adults. Medicare rebates for video consultations may be available with a GP referral for those within Australia.  For more information, or to enquire about student parent, or teaching staff school seminars please reach out to Brad’s Operations Manager, Ash, at

To make a referral to The Screen & Gaming Disorder Clinic

Please be aware that Brad’s wait list for new patients is very lengthy, and you will be offered the next available assessment slot. This time fluctuates with demand, but this is routinely a 4-6 month wait.

Brad only accepts referrals for the Screens and Gaming Disorder Clinic, not general child psychology referrals. 

Brad only accepts “self-managed” NDIS plans

Existing patients are also welcome to contact Brad’s staff to change appointments or for enquiries:
PHONE: 02 8287 1242
FAX: 02 8823 1860

To make a referral to see Brad in The Screens and Gaming Disorder Clinic, please use the form below.

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